How do I return my order?

You can return any unused item within 30 days of purchase for a refund or credit. All items must be returned in their original condition including its packaging, parts and instruction manuals.

To start the return process, please email our Customer Care team at and provide your order or invoice number.

iDisplay will not cover the shipping costs to return the item but are happy to arrange this for you, costs will depend on the collection location. Please note that all returns need to be shipped to our Dubai HQ.

All returned items are inspected on receipt to ensure they are in an un- used and re-saleable condition. If the product passes the quality check the refund or credit will be processed. Please note that shipping charges will not be refunded.


If the item is returned to us in an unsuitable condition, we reserve the right to not provide a refund or credit. If you want the items returned to you, we will request that you cover the delivery cost. Please note that Branding Boards and any product with Faceplate Branding, custom modifications, custom finishes are not eligible for a refund.

How do I exchange my order?

You can exchange any unused item within 30 days of purchase. All items for exchange must be returned in their original condition including its packaging, parts and instruction manuals.

To start an exchange process, please email our Customer Care team at and provide your order number.

All items returned for exchange are inspected on receipt to ensure they are in an un-used and re-saleable condition. If the product passes the quality check the exchange order will be processed and dispatched. If the exchange order is of a higher value, you will need to pay the difference before the exchange order is dispatched. If the exchange order is of a lower value, the difference will be refunded.

iDisplay will not cover the shipping costs to return the item for exchange but are happy to arrange this for you, costs will depend on the collection location. Please note that all exchanges need to be shipped to our Dubai HQ.

If the exchange item is returned to us in an unsuitable condition, we reserve the right to not process the exchange. If you want the exchange items returned to you, we will request that you cover the delivery cost. Please note that Branding Boards and any product with Faceplate Branding, custom modifications, custom finishes are not eligible for an exchange.


What should I do if I lost the keys or I need to order an extra set?

In the unfortunate event that you lose your key please email our Customer Care team at and provide your order or invoice number and we will help you order a new set of keys.

Can I get replacement parts?

If you need to order any spare parts, such as the rubber corner fit kits, please contact us  for pricing and to order.


I’m missing an item from my order, what do I do?

If an item is missing, please contact our Customer Care team at  with the order or invoice number and the missing item’s name and product number. We will resolve the issue for you as quickly as we can.

What do I do if I receive a faulty item in my order?

In the unlikely event that you experience a problem with one of our products we will be happy to either provide replacement parts, fix the item or replace the item. We will also cover and arrange all shipping costs.

To start the process please contact our Customer Care team at and provide the order number and a brief description of the fault. Photos or videos of the fault would also be very useful and will help speed up the process.


What do I do if I received an incorrect item in my order?

If you receive an incorrect item in your order, please contact our Customer Care team and provide the order number and the name of the correct and incorrect product. We’ll get back to you as soon as we can and send you a replacement item as quickly as possible.

Can I cancel/amend my order after I’ve placed it?

Please contact our Customer Care team to cancel your order and we will do our best to accommodate your request.

Free Shipping

Free Shipping across UAE

We will deliver your order
across UAE for free


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is always there for you

Money Return

Money Return

Please refer to Returns and Exchange
Section for more details